Thursday, June 7, 2012

Welcome to Mist Clan camp

Welcome to Mist clan camp!!

Here your adventure as a mist clan warrior begins!! I am Whitestar your leader. If you want to join email me or comment below the information i am asking for. My email is Here are the questions you will answer if you want to be accepted in my clan:
1 What is your name?
2 how old are you? (example: 13 moons)
3 what is your rank? ( you must be either a kit,apprentice or a warrior
4 what is your gender?
5 your history
6 others (not needed)
Here is an example:
Name: Whitestar
Age: 13 moons
Rank: leader
History: I was born with both of my parents but ended up becoming an orphan because my parents died in a battle. Thats all!( if you want to pick your own picture then use email to send it)


  1. Name: Whitemoon
    Age: 13 moons
    Rank: warrior
    Gender: she-cat
    History: Born as rogue but joined MistClan
    Other: none

  2. pieluver is now an official member of mist clan

  3. Name: Dawnpaw
    Age: 7 moons
    Rank: Apprentice
    Gender: She-cat
    History: Was born in MistClan, her parents died along with her brother.
    Other: sharp claws, fast reflexes.


  4. Name- Timbermist

    Age- 12 moons

    Rank- Warrior

    Gender- she-cat

    History- Born in Mistclan sister died

  5. Can I change my history to born in mistclan parents died?
